TED-Ed – 双语 Videos November 6, 2024 0 dg9999 Uncategorized 1000 TEDTalks, 6 words - Sebas...1000 TEDTalks, 6 words - Sebas...3 questions to ask yourself be...3 reasons why medications are ...3 stories of local eco-entrepr...3 stories of local eco-entrepr...3 things I learned while my pl...3 things I learned while my pl...3 things you may not know abou...3 tips on how to study effecti...3 tips to boost your confidenc...3 ways to choose a sunscreen #...3 ways to end a virus.webm4 different ways you can power...4 epidemics that almost happen...4 lessons from robots about be...4 signs of emotional abuse - V...4 things all great listeners k...404, the story of a page not f...404, the story of a page not f...5 philosophers on anger - Dela...5 tips to improve your critica...6 myths about the Middle Ages ...8 traits of successful people ...A 3-minute guide to the Bill o...A 3-minute guide to the Bill o...A 3D atlas of the universe - C...A 40-year plan for energy - Am...A 40-year plan for energy - Am...A 5,300-year-old murder myster...A Navy Admiral's thoughts on g...A Navy Admiral's thoughts on g...A Rosetta Stone for the Indus ...A Saudi woman who dared to dri...A Saudi woman who dared to dri...A brie(f) history of cheese - ...A brief history of Spanish - I...A brief history of alcohol - R...A brief history of banned numb...A brief history of cannibalism...A brief history of chess - Ale...A brief history of divorce - R...A brief history of dogs - Davi...A brief history of dumplings -...A brief history of goths - Dan...A brief history of melancholy ...A brief history of numerical s...A brief history of plastic.web...A brief history of plural word...A brief history of religion in...A brief history of the devil -...A brief history of toilets - F...A brief history of video games...A broken body isn't a broken p...A call to invention DIY speake...A call to invention: DIY speak...A call to invention: DIY speak...A census of the ocean - Paul S...A census of the ocean - Paul S...A child of the state - Lemn Si...A child of the state - Lemn Si...A choreographer's creative pro...A choreographer's creative pro...A cinematic journey through vi...A cinematic journey through vi...A civil response to violence -...A civil response to violence -...A clean energy proposal -- rac...A clever way to estimate enorm...A clever way to estimate enorm...A critical examination of the ...A curable condition that cause...A curable condition that cause...A day in the life of a Celtic ...A day in the life of a Cossack...A day in the life of a Mongoli...A day in the life of a Peruvia...A day in the life of a Roman s...A day in the life of a teenage...A day in the life of a teenage...A day in the life of an Ancien...A day in the life of an Aztec ...A day in the life of an ancien...A day in the life of an ancien...A day in the life of an ancien...A day in the life of an ancien...A day in the life of the oracl...A day in the rebellion against...A different way to visualize r...A digital reimagining of Getty...A digital reimagining of Getty...A doctor's touch - Abraham Ver...A doctor's touch - Abraham Ver...A father-daughter dance ... in...A father-daughter dance ... in...A future beyond traffic gridlo...A future beyond traffic gridlo...A giant bubble for debate - Li...A giant bubble for debate - Li...A girl who demanded school - K...A girl who demanded school - K...A glimpse of teenage life in a...A glimpse of teenage life in a...A global culture to fight extr...A global culture to fight extr...A guide to the energy of the E...A host of heroes - April Guden...A lab the size of a postage st...A lab the size of a postage st...A light switch for neurons - E...A light switch for neurons - E...A map of the brain - Allan Jon...A map of the brain - Allan Jon...A mini robot -- powered by you...A mini robot -- powered by you...A needle in countless haystack...A needle in countless haystack...A needle in countless haystack...A new ecosystem for electric c...A new ecosystem for electric c...A new way to diagnose autism -...A new way to diagnose autism -...A plane you can drive - Anna M...A plane you can drive - Anna M...A plant's-eye view - Michael P...A plant's-eye view - Michael P...A poetic experiment Walt Whitm...A poetic experiment: Walt Whit...A prosthetic arm that feels - ...A prosthetic arm that "feels" ...A prosthetic arm that "feels" ...A prosthetic eye to treat blin...A prosthetic eye to treat blin...A radical experiment in empath...A radical experiment in empath...A reality check on renewables ...A reality check on renewables ...A riddle of ice and fire drago...A short intro to the Studio Sc...A short intro to the Studio Sc...A simple way to tell insects a...A simple way to tell insects a...A story about knots and surgeo...A story about knots and surgeo...A tale of mental illness -- fr...A tale of mental illness -- fr...A tap dancer's craft - Andrew ...A tap dancer's craft - Andrew ...A teacher growing green in the...A teacher growing green in the...A teen just trying to figure i...A teen just trying to figure i...A test for Parkinson's with a ...A test for Parkinson's with a ...A tour of the ancient Greek Un...A trip through space to calcul...A trip through space to calcul...A universal translator for sur...A vision of crimes in the futu...A vision of crimes in the futu...A warm embrace that saves live...A warm embrace that saves live...A whistleblower you haven't he...A whistleblower you haven't he...A year in the life of one of E...Accents by Denice Frohman.mp4Activation energy Kickstarting...Activation energy: Kickstartin...Actually, the world isn't flat...Actually, the world isn't flat...Advice to young scientists - E...Advice to young scientists - E...Agile programming -- for your ...Agile programming -- for your ...All the World's a Stage by Wil...All your devices can be hacked...All your devices can be hacked...America's native prisoners of ...America's native prisoners of ...An anti-hero of one's own - Ti...An athlete uses physics to sha...An exercise in time perception...An introduction to mathematica...An introduction to mathematica...An unexpected place of healing...An unexpected place of healing...An unsung hero of the civil ri...Ancient Rome’s most notorious ...Ancient wonders captured in 3D...Ancient wonders captured in 3D...Animating a photo-real digital...Animating a photo-real digital...Animation basics Homemade spec...Animation basics The art of ti...Animation basics The optical i...Animation basics: Homemade spe...Animation basics: Homemade spe...Animation basics: The art of t...Animation basics: The optical ...Announcing TED-Ed Español.mp4Announcing TED-Ed Español.webmAphasia The disorder that make...Aphasia: The disorder that mak...Archeology from space - Sarah ...Archeology from space - Sarah ...Are Elvish, Klingon, Dothraki ...Are Elvish, Klingon, Dothraki ...Are all of your memories real ...Are all of your memories real?...Are droids taking our jobs - A...Are droids taking our jobs? - ...Are droids taking our jobs? - ...Are food preservatives bad for...Are food preservatives bad for...Are ghost ships real - Peter B...Are ghost ships real? - Peter ...Are naked mole rats the strang...Are naked mole rats the strang...Are naked mole rats the strang...Are pandas the most misunderst...Are spotty fruits and vegetabl...Are spotty fruits and vegetabl...Are the Northern Lights danger...Are the Northern Lights danger...Are the Northern Lights danger...Are the illuminati real - Chip...Are the illuminati real - Chip...Are the illuminati real? - Chi...Are there any places on Earth ...Are there universal expression...Are there universal expression...Are we all just players in the...Are we born to run - Christoph...Are we born to run? - Christop...Are we born to run? - Christop...Are we living in a simulation ...Are we living in a simulation?...Are we ready for neo-evolution...Are we ready for neo-evolution...Are we ready for neo-evolution...Are we running out of clean wa...Are we running out of clean wa...Are you a body with a mind or ...Are you a body with a mind or ...Are you more likely to explode...Artemisia Gentileschi The woma...Artemisia Gentileschi: The wom...At what moment are you dead - ...At what moment are you dead? -...Atheism 2.0 - Alain de Botton....Atheism 2.0 - Alain de Botton....Attack of the killer algae - E...Attack of the killer algae - E...Averting the climate crisis - ...Averting the climate crisis - ...Axolotls The salamanders that ...Axolotls: The salamanders that...Battling bad science - Ben Gol...Battling bad science - Ben Gol...Be an artist, right now! - You...Be an artist, right now! - You...Beach Bodies (in spoken word) ...Beach Bodies (in spoken word) ...Beatboxing 101 - BEAT NYC.mkvBeatboxing 101 - BEAT NYC.webmBecome a patron of TED-Ed! #sh...Become a slam poet in five ste...Before I die I want to... - Ca...Before I die I want to... - Ca...Behind the Great Firewall of C...Behind the Great Firewall of C...Beware of nominalizations (AKA...Beware of nominalizations (AKA...Beware online filter bubbles -...Beware online "filter bubbles"...Beware online "filter bubbles"...Big Data - Tim Smith.webmBiodiesel The afterlife of oil...Biodiesel: The afterlife of oi...Biofuels and bioprospecting fo...Biofuels and bioprospecting fo...Bird migration, a perilous jou...Birth of a nickname - John McW...Birth of a nickname - John McW...Blood, concrete, and dynamite ...Blood, concrete, and dynamite:...Breaking the illusion of skin ...Bring TED to the classroom wit...Bring TED to the classroom wit...Buffalo buffalo buffalo One-wo...Buffalo buffalo buffalo: One-w...Buffalo buffalo buffalo: One-w...Building a culture of success ...Building a culture of success ...Building a dinosaur from a chi...Building a dinosaur from a chi...Building a museum of museums o...Building a museum of museums o...Building a theater that remake...Building the Seed Cathedral - ...Building the Seed Cathedral - ...Building the impossible Golden...Building the impossible: Golde...Building the world's largest (...Building unimaginable shapes -...Building unimaginable shapes -...CERN's supercollider - Brian C...CERN's supercollider - Brian C...Calculating The Odds of Intell...Calculating The Odds of Intell...Camera or eye: Which sees bett...Can 100% renewable energy powe...Can 100% renewable energy powe...Can AI predict someone's break...Can a black hole be destroyed ...Can a black hole be destroyed?...Can alligators survive this ap...Can animals be deceptive - Eld...Can democracy exist without tr...Can democracy exist without tr...Can democracy exist without tr...Can loud music damage your hea...Can loud music damage your hea...Can machines read your emotion...Can machines read your emotion...Can other animals understand d...Can plants talk to each other ...Can plants talk to each other?...Can plants talk to each other?...Can robots be creative - Gil W...Can robots be creative? - Gil ...Can robots be creative? 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honeybee rid...Can you solve the honeybee rid...Can you solve the human cannon...Can you solve the human cannon...Can you solve the jail break r...Can you solve the jail break r...Can you solve the killer robo-...Can you solve the killer robo-...Can you solve the locker riddl...Can you solve the locker riddl...Can you solve the magical maze...Can you solve the monster duel...Can you solve the monster duel...Can you solve the multiplying ...Can you solve the multiplying ...Can you solve the multiverse r...Can you solve the multiverse r...Can you solve the passcode rid...Can you solve the passcode rid...Can you solve the penniless pi...Can you solve the penniless pi...Can you solve the pirate riddl...Can you solve the pirate riddl...Can you solve the prisoner box...Can you solve the prisoner box...Can you solve the prisoner hat...Can you solve the prisoner hat...Can you solve the private eye ...Can you solve the private eye ...Can you solve the rebel suppli...Can you solve the rebel suppli...Can you solve the riddle and e...Can you solve the riddle and e...Can you solve the river crossi...Can you solve the river crossi...Can you solve the rogue AI rid...Can you solve the rogue AI rid...Can you solve the rogue submar...Can you solve the rogue submar...Can you solve the sea monster ...Can you solve the sea monster ...Can you solve the secret assas...Can you solve the secret sauce...Can you solve the secret sauce...Can you solve the secret werew...Can you solve the secret werew...Can you solve the seven planet...Can you solve the seven planet...Can you solve the sorting hat ...Can you solve the sorting hat ...Can you solve the stolen rubie...Can you solve the stolen rubie...Can you solve the temple riddl...Can you solve the temple riddl...Can you solve the three gods r...Can you solve the three gods r...Can you solve the time travel ...Can you solve the time travel ...Can you solve the time traveli...Can you solve the trickster go...Can you solve the troll’s para...Can you solve the troll’s para...Can you solve the unstoppable ...Can you solve the unstoppable ...Can you solve the vampire hunt...Can you solve the vampire hunt...Can you solve the virus riddle...Can you solve the virus riddle...Can you solve the wizard stand...Can you solve the wizard stand...Can you solve the world’s most...Can you solve the world’s most...Can you solve "Einstein’s Ridd...Can you spot the problem with ...Can you spot the problem with ...Can you steal the most powerfu...Can you still feel a limb that...Can you still feel a limb that...Can you survive nuclear fallou...Can you survive nuclear fallou...Can you transplant a head to a...Cannibalism in the animal king...Capturing authentic narratives...Cell membranes are way more co...Cell vs. virus A battle for he...Cell vs. virus: A battle for h...Changing the future, one stude...Check your intuition The birth...Check your intuition: The birt...Cheese, dogs and a pill to kil...Cheese, dogs and a pill to kil...Cicadas The dormant army benea...Cicadas: The dormant army bene...Claws vs. nails - Matthew Bort...Climate change Earth's giant g...Climate change: Earth's giant ...Cloudy climate change How clou...Cloudy climate change: How clo...Cloudy with a chance of joy - ...Cloudy with a chance of joy - ...Comma story - Terisa Folaron.w...Coneheads, egg stacks and ante...Coneheads, egg stacks and ante...Confused about recycling? It’s...Connected, but alone - Sherry ...Connected, but alone? - Sherry...Connected, but alone? - Sherry...Conserving our spectacular, vu...Conserving our spectacular, vu...Corruption, wealth and beauty ...Corruption, wealth and beauty:...Corruption, wealth and beauty:...Could a Saturn moon harbor lif...Could a Saturn moon harbor lif...Could a Saturn moon harbor lif...Could a blind eye regenerate -...Could a blind eye regenerate? ...Could a blind eye regenerate? ...Could a breathalyzer detect ca...Could a breathalyzer detect ca...Could a breathalyzer detect ca...Could comets be the source of ...Could comets be the source of ...Could comets be the source of ...Could human civilization sprea...Could human civilization sprea...Could human civilization sprea...Could human civilization sprea...Could one vaccine protect agai...Could one vaccine protect agai...Could the Earth be swallowed b...Could the Earth be swallowed b...Could the Earth be swallowed b...Could the sun be good for your...Could the sun be good for your...Could the sun be good for your...Could this technology end all ...Could tissue engineering mean ...Could tissue engineering mean ...Could tissue engineering mean ...Could we actually live on Mars...Could we actually live on Mars...Could we build a wooden skyscr...Could we build a wooden skyscr...Could we create dark matter - ...Could we create dark matter? -...Could we create dark matter? -...Could we harness the power of ...Could we steal the power of a ...Could we steal the power of a ...Could we survive prolonged spa...Could we survive prolonged spa...Could you live on the moon? - ...Could you survive the real Twi...Could you survive the real Twi...Could your brain repair itself...Could your brain repair itself...Could your language affect you...Could your language affect you...Could your language affect you...Creative houses from reclaimed...Crowdsource your health - Luci...Crowdsource your health - Luci...Curiosity, discovery and gecko...Curiosity, discovery and gecko...DNA The book of you - Joe Hans...DNA: The book of you - Joe Han...Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man of ma...Dance vs. PowerPoint, a modest...Dance vs. PowerPoint, a modest...Dare to disagree - Margaret He...Dare to disagree - Margaret He...Dare to educate Afghan girls -...Dare to educate Afghan girls -...Dark matter How does it explai...Dark matter The matter we can'...Dark matter: How does it expla...Dark matter: The matter we can...Dead stuff The secret ingredie...Dead stuff: The secret ingredi...Dear Subscribers....mp4Dear Subscribers....webmDebunking the myth of the Lost...Debunking the myth of the Lost...Debunking the myths of OCD - N...Deep ocean mysteries and wonde...Deep ocean mysteries and wonde...Deep sea diving ... in a wheel...Deep sea diving ... in a wheel...Defining cyberwarfare...in hop...Defining cyberwarfare...in hop...Demand a fair trade cell phone...Demand a fair trade cell phone...Demand a more open-source gove...Demand a more open-source gove...Demolition, disease, and death...Demolition, disease, and death...Describing the invisible prope...Describing the invisible prope...Design for people, not awards ...Design for people, not awards ...Detention or Eco Club Choosing...Detention or Eco Club: Choosin...Detention or Eco Club: Choosin...Diagnosing a zombie Brain and ...Diagnosing a zombie brain and ...Diagnosing a zombie: Brain and...Diagnosing a zombie: brain and...Did Shakespeare write his play...Did Shakespeare write his play...Did ancient Troy really exist ...Did ancient Troy really exist?...Did the Amazons really exist -...Did the Amazons really exist? ...Different ways of knowing - Da...Different ways of knowing - Da...Digging for humanity's origins...Digging for humanity's origins...Digital humanitarianism - Paul...Digital humanitarianism - Paul...Disappearing frogs - Kerry M. ...Dissecting Botticelli's Adorat...Dissecting Botticelli's Adorat...Distant time and the hint of a...Distant time and the hint of a...Distorting Madonna in Medieval...Distorting Madonna in Medieval...Do animals have language - Mic...Do animals have language? - Mi...Do larger animals take longer ...Do mosquitos actually bite som...Do personality tests work - Me...Do personality tests work? - M...Do politics make us irrational...Do politics make us irrational...Do tax cuts stimulate the econ...Do tax cuts stimulate the econ...Do the green thing - Andy Hobs...Do the green thing - Andy Hobs...Do we really need pesticides -...Do we really need pesticides? ...Do you ever feel isolated amon...Do you see a face? You’re actu...Do your students have big idea...Does The Wonderful Wizard of O...Does grammar matter - Andreea ...Does grammar matter? - Andreea...Does math have a major flaw? -...Does planting trees actually c...Does racism affect how you vot...Does racism affect how you vot...Does racism affect how you vot...Does stress affect your memory...Does stress affect your memory...Does stress cause pimples - Cl...Does stress cause pimples? - C...Does time exist - Andrew Zimme...Does time exist? - Andrew Zimm...Does your vote count The Elect...Does your vote count? The Elec...Does "The Wonderful Wizard of ...Don't insist on English! - Pat...Don't insist on English! - Pat...Doodlers, unite! - Sunni Brown...Doodlers, unite! - Sunni Brown...ET is (probably) out there -- ...ET is (probably) out there -- ...Early forensics and crime-solv...Early forensics and crime-solv...Earth's mass extinction - Pete...Earth's mass extinction - Pete...Earth's mysterious red glow, e...Earworms Those songs that get ...Earworms: Those songs that get...Einstein's brilliant mistake E...Einstein's brilliant mistake: ...Einstein's brilliant mistake: ...Einstein's miracle year - Larr...Einstein's twin paradox explai...Electric Vocabulary.mp4Electric Vocabulary.webmEli the eel A mysterious migra...Eli the eel: A mysterious migr...Embrace the remix - Kirby Ferg...Embrace the remix - Kirby Ferg...Energy from floating algae pod...Energy from floating algae pod...Epic battles, burials, and rac...Equality, sports, and Title IX...Ethical dilemma The burger mur...Ethical dilemma Who should you...Ethical dilemma Would you lie ...Ethical dilemma: Should we get...Ethical dilemma: The burger mu...Ethical dilemma: What makes li...Ethical dilemma: Who should yo...Ethical dilemma: Whose life is...Ethical dilemma: Would you lie...Ethical riddles in HIV researc...Ethical riddles in HIV researc...Euclid's puzzling parallel pos...Euclid's puzzling parallel pos...Every city needs healthy honey...Every city needs healthy honey...Everyday leadership - Drew Dud...Everything changed when the fi...Everything you need to know to...Everything you need to know to...Everything you need to know to...Everything you need to know to...Everything you need to know to...Evolution in a Big City.mp4Evolution’s great mystery - Mi...Evolution’s great mystery - Mi...Exciting news from TED-Ed....m...Exciting news from TED-Ed....w...Excuse me, may I rent your car...Excuse me, may I rent your car...Excuse me, may I rent your car...Experiments that hint of longe...Experiments that hint of longe...Experiments that point to a ne...Experiments that point to a ne...Explore cave paintings in this...Exploring other dimensions - A...Exponential Growth How Folding...Exponential growth: How foldin...Eye vs. camera - Michael Mause...Faith versus tradition in Isla...Faith versus tradition in Isla...Feats of memory anyone can do ...Feats of memory anyone can do ...Feedback loops How nature gets...Feedback loops: How nature get...Fighting a contagious cancer -...Fighting a contagious cancer -...Fighting with non-violence - S...Fighting with non-violence - S...Filming democracy in Ghana - J...Filming democracy in Ghana - J...Finding life we can't imagine ...Finding life we can't imagine ...First Kiss by Tim Seibles.mp4First person vs. Second person...Five fingers of evolution - Pa...Five fingers of evolution - Pa...Folding way-new origami - Robe...Folding way-new origami - Robe...Food expiration dates don’t me...Football physics The impossibl...Football physics: The "impossi...For Estefani poem by Aracelis ...Forget shopping. Soon you'll d...Forget shopping. Soon you'll d...Four principles for the open w...Four principles for the open w...Four sisters in Ancient Rome -...Four ways to understand the Ea...Fractals and the art of roughn...Fractals and the art of roughn...Free falling in outer space - ...Freeing energy from the grid -...Freeing energy from the grid -...Fresh water scarcity An introd...Fresh water scarcity: An intro...Frida Kahlo The woman behind t...Frida Kahlo: The woman behind ...From Aaliyah to Jay-Z Captured...From Aaliyah to Jay-Z: Capture...From Aaliyah to Jay-Z: Capture...From DNA to Silly Putty The di...From DNA to Silly Putty, the d...From DNA to Silly Putty: The d...From enslavement to rebel glad...From enslavement to rebel glad...From mach-20 glider to humming...From mach-20 glider to humming...From pacifist to spy WWII’s su...From pacifist to spy: WWII’s s...From slave to rebel gladiator ...From the top of the food chain...From the top of the food chain...Game theory challenge Can you ...Game theory challenge: Can you...Gaming for understanding - Bre...Gaming for understanding - Bre...Gaming to re-engage boys in le...Gaming to re-engage boys in le...Gerrymandering How drawing jag...Gerrymandering: How drawing ja...Getting started as a DJ Mixing...Getting started as a DJ: Mixin...Gibberish, urine, and utter ch...Gibberish, urine, and utter ch...Got seeds Just add bleach, aci...Got seeds? Just add bleach, ac...Grammar's great divide The Oxf...Grammar's great divide: The Ox...Gravity and the human body - J...Gravity and the human body - J...Gravity vs. Pressure: The batt...Gravity vs. Pressure: The batt...Greek mythology’s greatest war...Greening the ghetto - Majora C...Greening the ghetto - Majora C...Greeting the world in peace - ...Gridiron physics Scalars and v...Gridiron physics: Scalars and ...Gridiron physics: Scalars and ...Group theory 101 How to play a...Group theory 101: How to play ...Gyotaku The ancient Japanese a...Gyotaku: The ancient Japanese ...HIV and flu -- the vaccine str...HIV and flu -- the vaccine str...Hacking bacteria to fight canc...Hagfish The world's slimiest c...Hagfish: The world's slimiest ...Haptography Digitizing our sen...Haptography: Digitizing our se...Haptography: Digitizing our se...Harvey Milk's radical vision o...Harvey Milk's radical vision o...Hawking's black hole paradox e...Healthier men, one moustache a...Healthier men, one moustache a...Hey science teachers -- make i...Hey science teachers -- make i...High-altitude wind energy from...High-altitude wind energy from...High-tech art (with a sense of...High-tech art (with a sense of...Hire the hackers! - Misha Glen...Hire the hackers! - Misha Glen...Historical role models - Amy B...History through the eyes of a ...History through the eyes of th...History vs. Andrew Jackson - J...History vs. Andrew Jackson - J...History vs. Augustus - Peta Gr...History vs. Che Guevara - Alex...History vs. Christopher Columb...History vs. Cleopatra - Alex G...History vs. Egypt’s "most powe...History vs. Genghis Khan - Ale...History vs. Genghis Khan - Ale...History vs. Henry VIII - Mark ...History vs. Napoleon Bonaparte...History vs. Richard Nixon - Al...History vs. Sigmund Freud - To...History vs. Tamerlane the Conq...History vs. Vladimir Lenin - A...History's deadliest king - by ...History's worst nun - Theresa ...History's worst nun - Theresa ...History's "worst" nun - Theres...History’s deadliest colors - J...How (and why) to read William ...How Arduino is open-sourcing i...How Arduino is open-sourcing i...How Benjamin Button got his fa...How Benjamin Button got his fa...How Braille was invented Mome...How Braille was invented | Mom...How Braille was invented | Mom...How CRISPR lets you edit DNA -...How Containerization Shaped th...How Curiosity got us to Mars -...How Curiosity got us to Mars -...How Do Pain Relievers Work - G...How Do Pain Relievers Work? - ...How I discovered DNA - James W...How I discovered DNA - James W...How I fell in love with a fish...How I responded to sexism in g...How I responded to sexism in g...How I taught rats to sniff out...How I taught rats to sniff out...How I'm preparing to get Alzhe...How I'm preparing to get Alzhe...How Life Begins in the Deep Oc...How Magellan circumnavigated t...How Mendel's pea plants helped...How Mr. Condom made Thailand a...How North America got its shap...How Sun Wukong escaped the und...How Thor got his hammer - Scot...How Two Decisions Led Me to Ol...How Two Decisions Led Me to Ol...How X-rays see through your sk...How YouTube thinks about copyr...How YouTube thinks about copyr...How a concubine became the rul...How a few scientists transform...How a fly flies - Michael Dick...How a single-celled organism a...How a wound heals itself - Sar...How algorithms shape our world...How algorithms shape our world...How ancient art influenced mod...How architecture helped music ...How architecture helped music ...How are these fires burning un...How art can help you analyze -...How art gives shape to cultura...How art gives shape to cultura...How aspirin was discovered - K...How atoms bond - George Zaidan...How bacteria talk - Bonnie Bas...How bacteria "talk" - Bonnie B...How batteries work - Adam Jaco...How bees help plants have sex ...How bees help plants have sex ...How big is a mole (Not the ani...How big is a mole? (Not the an...How big is infinity - Dennis W...How big is infinity? - Dennis ...How big is the ocean - Scott G...How big is the ocean? - Scott ...How blood pressure works - Wil...How blue jeans were invented ...How blue jeans were invented |...How bones make blood - Melody ...How brain parasites change the...How brass instruments work - A...How breathing works - Nirvair ...How breathing works - Nirvair ...How can technology transform t...How can technology transform t...How can technology transform t...How can we solve the antibioti...How can we solve the antibioti...How can you change someone's m...How can you change someone's m...How close are we to eradicatin...How close are we to eradicatin...How close are we to powering t...How close are we to uploading ...How close are we to uploading ...How coffee got quicker Moment...How coffee got quicker | Momen...How computer memory works - Ka...How computers translate human ...How computers translate human ...How containerization shaped th...How containerization shaped th...How cosmic rays help us unders...How cosmic rays help us unders...How could so many people suppo...How cyberattacks threaten real...How cyberattacks threaten real...How dangerous was it to be a j...How did Dracula become the wor...How did Dracula become the wor...How did English evolve - Kate ...How did English evolve? - Kate...How did Hitler rise to power -...How did Hitler rise to power? ...How did Polynesian wayfinders ...How did Polynesian wayfinders ...How did South African Aparthei...How did ancient civilizations ...How did clouds get their names...How did clouds get their names...How did feathers evolve - Carl...How did feathers evolve? - Car...How did teeth evolve - Peter S...How did teeth evolve? - Peter ...How did teeth evolve? - Peter ...How did they build the Great P...How did they build the Great P...How did trains standardize tim...How did trains standardize tim...How do US Supreme Court justic...How do US Supreme Court justic...How do airplanes actually fly?...How do animals experience pain...How do animals experience pain...How do animals regrow their li...How do animals see in the dark...How do animals see in the dark...How do antidepressants work - ...How do antidepressants work? -...How do birds learn to sing - P...How do blood transfusions work...How do blood transfusions work...How do brain scans work - John...How do brain scans work? - Joh...How do bulletproof vests work?...How do cancer cells behave dif...How do cancer cells behave dif...How do carbohydrates impact yo...How do carbohydrates impact yo...How do cigarettes affect the b...How do cigarettes affect the b...How do contraceptives work - N...How do contraceptives work? - ...How do crystals work - Graham ...How do crystals work? - Graham...How do doctors determine what ...How do dogs see with their nos...How do dogs "see" with their n...How do drugs affect the brain ...How do drugs affect the brain?...How do executive orders work -...How do executive orders work? ...How do fish make electricity -...How do fish make electricity? ...How do focus groups work - Hec...How do focus groups work? - He...How do gas masks actually work...How do geckos defy gravity - E...How do geckos defy gravity? - ...How do germs spread (and why d...How do germs spread (and why d...How do glasses help us see - A...How do glasses help us see? - ...How do hard drives work - Kana...How do hard drives work? - Kan...How do heat waves affect your ...How do investors choose stocks...How do investors choose stocks...How do kidney transplants work...How do lungs work - Emma Bryce...How do lungs work? - Emma Bryc...How do nerves work - Elliot Kr...How do nerves work? - Elliot K...How do nuclear power plants wo...How do nuclear power plants wo...How do ocean currents work - J...How do ocean currents work? - ...How do our brains process spee...How do our brains process spee...How do oysters make pearls - R...How do oysters make pearls? - ...How do pregnancy tests work - ...How do pregnancy tests work? -...How do scars form - Sarthak Si...How do scars form? - Sarthak S...How do scars form? - Sarthak S...How do schools of fish swim in...How do schools of fish swim in...How do schools of fish swim in...How do self-driving cars “see”...How do self-driving cars “see”...How do solar panels work - Ric...How do solar panels work? - Ri...How do steroids affect your mu...How do steroids affect your mu...How do tornadoes form - James ...How do tornadoes form? - James...How do vaccines work - Kelwali...How do vaccines work? - Kelwal...How do ventilators work - Alex...How do ventilators work? - Ale...How do viruses jump from anima...How do viruses jump from anima...How do vitamins work - Ginnie ...How do vitamins work? - Ginnie...How do we create a better econ...How do we experience time - Ma...How do we experience time? - M...How do we experience time? - M...How do we heal medicine - Atul...How do we heal medicine? - Atu...How do we heal medicine? - Atu...How do we know what color dino...How do we know what color dino...How do we safely study living ...How do we separate the seeming...How do we separate the seeming...How do we smell - Rose Eveleth...How do we smell? - Rose Evelet...How do we study the stars - Yu...How do we study the stars? - Y...How do wind turbines work - Re...How do wind turbines work? - R...How do you decide where to go ...How do you decide where to go ...How do you know if you have a ...How do you know if you have a ...How do you know if you have a ...How do you know what's true - ...How do you know what's true? -...How do you know whom to trust ...How do you know whom to trust?...How do you know whom to trust?...How do you know you exist - Ja...How do you know you exist? - J...How do you know you’re not dre...How do you know you’re not dre...How do you save a shark you kn...How do you save a shark you kn...How do you save a shark you kn...How do your hormones work - Em...How do your hormones work? - E...How do your kidneys work - Emm...How do your kidneys work? - Em...How does a jellyfish sting - N...How does a jellyfish sting? - ...How does alcohol cause blackou...How does alcohol cause hangove...How does alcohol cause hangove...How does alcohol make you drun...How does alcohol make you drun...How does an air conditioner ac...How does an atom-smashing part...How does an atom-smashing part...How does anesthesia work - Ste...How does anesthesia work? - St...How does artificial intelligen...How does artificial intelligen...How does asthma work - Christo...How does asthma work? - Christ...How does caffeine keep us awak...How does caffeine keep us awak...How does cancer spread through...How does cancer spread through...How does chemotherapy work - H...How does chemotherapy work? - ...How does extreme heat affect y...How does fracking work - Mia N...How does fracking work? - Mia ...How does heart transplant surg...How does heart transplant surg...How does hibernation work - Sh...How does hibernation work? - S...How does impeachment work - Al...How does impeachment work? - A...How does laser eye surgery wor...How does laser eye surgery wor...How does math guide our ships ...How does math guide our ships ...How does money laundering work...How does money laundering work...How does the Nobel Peace Prize...How does the Nobel Peace Prize...How does the Nobel Peace Prize...How does the Rorschach inkblot...How does the Rorschach inkblot...How does the stock market work...How does the stock market work...How does the thyroid manage yo...How does the thyroid manage yo...How does this all-female speci...How does whale communication w...How does work...work - Peter B...How does work...work? - Peter ...How does your body know what t...How does your body know what t...How does your body know you're...How does your body know you're...How does your body process med...How does your body process med...How does your brain respond to...How does your brain respond to...How does your immune system wo...How does your immune system wo...How does your smartphone know ...How does your smartphone know ...How does your smartphone know ...How economic inequality harms ...How economic inequality harms ...How exactly does binary code w...How exactly does binary code w...How exposing anonymous compani...How exposing anonymous compani...How false news can spread - No...How far can you travel without...How far would you have to go t...How far would you have to go t...How farming planted seeds for ...How fast are you moving right ...How fast are you moving right ...How fast are you moving right ...How fast can a vaccine be made...How fast can a vaccine be made...How fast can a vaccine be made...How fast is the speed of thoug...How fast is the speed of thoug...How fiction can change reality...How fiction can change reality...How friendship affects your br...How giant sea creatures eat ti...How giant sea creatures eat ti...How good are you at calculatin...How good are you at calculatin...How good are you at calculatin...How great leaders inspire acti...How healthy living nearly kill...How healthy living nearly kill...How heavy is air - Dan Quinn.m...How heavy is air? - Dan Quinn....How high can you count on your...How high can you count on your...How humanity got hooked on cof...How in vitro fertilization (IV...How interpreters juggle two la...How inventions change history ...How inventions change history ...How is power divided in the Un...How is power divided in the Un...How languages evolve - Alex Ge...How life came to land - Tierne...How life came to land - Tierne...How long should your naps be -...How long should your naps be? ...How long will human impacts la...How long will human impacts la...How many universes are there -...How many verb tenses are there...How many verb tenses are there...How many ways are there to pro...How many ways are there to pro...How many ways can you arrange ...How many ways can you arrange ...How memories form and how we l...How menstruation works - Emma ...How miscommunication happens (...How misused modifiers can hurt...How movies teach manhood - Col...How movies teach manhood - Col...How much does a video weigh - ...How much does a video weigh? -...How much does a video weigh? -...How much electricity does it t...How much electricity does it t...How much land does it take to ...How much land does it take to ...How much of human history is o...How much of human history is o...How much of human history is o...How much of what you see is a ...How much of what you see is a ...How much will you change in th...How much will you change in th...How much will you change in th...How much would it cost to buy ...How mucus keeps us healthy - K...How often should you get a flu...How often should you get a flu...How one design flaw almost top...How one journalist risked her ...How one of the most profitable...How one person saved over 2,00...How one piece of legislation d...How one scientist averted a na...How one scientist averted a na...How one scientist took on the ...How one teenager unearthed bas...How one teenager unearthed bas...How open data is changing inte...How optical illusions trick yo...How pandemics spread.mp4How pandemics spread.webmHow parasites change their hos...How people rationalize fraud -...How photography connects us - ...How photography connects us - ...How pigeons took over the worl...How plants tell time - Dasha S...How plants tell time - Dasha S...How playing an instrument bene...How playing sports benefits yo...How poachers became caretakers...How poachers became caretakers...How polarity makes water behav...How quantum mechanics explains...